
Subscribe to AdvOCAcy

The Georgia Office of the Child Advocate publishes and distributes an online monthly newletter to disseminate information to stakeholders within the child welfare system. AdvOCAcy features important updates, resources, and perspectives from child welfare professionals, community members, and youth currently or formerly experiencing foster care. 

Sign Up for Newsletter

 Subscribe to AdvOCAcy to make sure you don't miss out on these special updates and insights!


Newsletter Submission Guidelines

The Georgia Office of the Child Advocate encourages youth in foster care or formerly in foster care to submit their writing and/or art to the agency to be published in its online, monthly newsletter. The Office of the Child Advocate believes that the insights and ideas of those receiving foster care and/or independent living services are extremely valuable to those serving such youth. Therefore, it is encouraged that the writings or art submitted convey an experience, perspective, or personal journey in the foster care system that the author or artist would like to share with child welfare professionals and the community.

The Office of the Child Advocate also invites child welfare professionals to share their valuable insights and perspectives. Submissions from professionals may express a lesson or experience from the field or an analysis of a certain policy that is relevant to other professionals. Client names and information should be redacted or changed to protect the identities of the children.

1. Written submissions

All written submissions should be limited to one page or less. They must be submitted as a Word Document file, and should not contain any inappropriate or obscene language. Also, please spell check prior to submitting.

2. Visual submissions

All visual submissions should be submitted as a JPEG or PNG file and should not contain nudity, violence, obscene symbols or words, or gang related signs. It also should be supplemented with a brief paragraph explaining the artwork.

3. How to submit

If you would like for your writing or artwork to be included in the monthly newsletter, email it as an attachment to our Director, Rachel Davidson, at [email protected] or our Deputy Director, Jansen Head, at [email protected]. The body of the email should contain your full name, age, and occupational information (if applicable). If your work has been previously published or has been submitted to be published elsewhere, please be sure to provide those details as well. Only the first and last initial of those under the age of 18 will be included in the actual newsletter, unless special permission is received. You will be notified by email if your submission is chosen. 

Please note that by submitting your work, you are granting the Office of the Child Advocate permission to publish it in our newsletter and on our website.