Statewide Model Child Abuse Protocol

Georgia's Statewide Model Child Abuse Protocol is available for download. Protocol training is provided by OCA and a detailed description of training offered can be found under the "Training" tab. 

To Submit Annual Reports, Updated Protocols and training requests in a digital format, please contact us at [email protected].  Physical documents can be sent to OCA at 2 Capitol Square SW, Atlanta, Ga. 30334.

Georgia law requires each county to have a Protocol to be used in investigating and prosecuting cases arising from alleged child

abuse and sexual exploitation. Georgia law requires each county to establish a Protocol Committee which is responsible to adopt a written protocol, amend the protocol to keep it up to date, conduct semi-annual meetings and issue a yearly report on July 1st. (O.C.G.A. §19-15-2)

The statewide Model Protocol is a written document outlining in detail the procedures to be used in investigating and prosecuting cases arising from alleged cases of child abuse and to assist counties with the development of local protocols which reflect the best practices in investigation and management in these cases.

The purpose of the protocol is to ensure coordination and cooperation between all agencies involved in a child abuse case so as to increase the efficiency of all agencies handling such cases, to minimize the stress created for the allegedly abused child by the legal and investigatory process, and to ensure that more effective treatment is provided including counseling. O.C.G.A.§19-15-2 (f).

The statewide Model Child Abuse Protocol was most recently revised February 2021 to incorporate necessary updates and reflect valuable feedback from stakeholders and partners. We encourage you to review the Protocol, educate your local stakeholders and Protocol committee members on its changes and update your county's protocol and provide a copy to our office.

Please contact OCA for information or to schedule training for local Protocol Committees or multidisciplinary team members. (See Protocol Training under the Training tab for further information.)